Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shut it!

Yes I spent 7 years in college, yes that's how long most Dr.s go to school, no I am not a Dr., nor do I pretend to know how to be one. So I find it funny when mr. pre med cheese dong tries to educate me in my line of business.

For those of you that dont know, Logan has been getting pretty beaten up with water lately. The mixture of snow, and rain has resulted in probably 200+ floods in the valley. We have had crews going non stop since it began, and with this I have taken on the task of training one of the guys at work to monitor and explain why we do what we do.

So here we are in a house, and I start explaining to my co-worker why we position equipment the way we do, and how it creates air pressure.

Enter pre med douche bag. "Well I thought fans decrease air pressure."

I looked at him in a puzzled look and said, 'behind the fans yes, but not in front.'

He piped back at me with "Thats what I was taught in Physics" in his la tee da voice.

OK, ass wipe, just because I look the way I do and have the job I do, doesn't mean Im not educated. (remember seven years of college= five degrees with two minors)

I looked at him and started moving the fans for illustration "If I have the air mover back here I have increased the distance thus decreasing the air pressure on the surface I want to dry. So by decreasing the distance, and adjusting the angle, I increase air pressure, also increasing capillary action in a permeable material such as the drywall." How do you like them apples?

Dont be so quick to judge. I choose to do what I do, not because I have to, but because I want to. People, lose the holier than thou attitude, just because you are going to school or have went to school doesn't mean you're smart. The smartest people I know didn't go to college.

Speaking of intelligence, remember this?
I love this movie

Saturday, December 18, 2010

yadda yadda yadda

Its Saturday, I need to be shoveling, but the general apathy I live by is winning the battle of motivation this morning. As I told you in earlier posts, I bought a car, I love it. Yes its another Subaru, however, this isnt the tree hugging, save Tibet bumper sticker rockin, decaf drinkin rig of the past (even when i drove a wagon I didnt drink decaf). Nope, this one has a little pep, or I guess you could say it straight out hauls ASS! Yes its a little fast and furious, but I dont care, and I endeavor to retain the spirit of youth, so suck it haters.
just call me Paul Walker

I made the decision last week to race the first national of the ABA BMX season in Reno, in three weeks, so I have stepped the training a little bit. Pretty excited to see what happens when I train like I know I should, who knows, I might actually do good. If not I will just go gymkhana in the parking lot.
Hey Emo kids, smile, because life could be worse, you could be a tragically hipster. Here is a video of a song that should just make you feel good about life.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

sssshhhhh I have a heart but dont tell anyone

White elephant gifts? I just dont get them, I mean last year at our Christmas party we passed around the white elephant gifts and nobody kept them for more than five minutes after leaving the party. Sure it was somewhat funny (enter sympathy laugh here), but good for nothing else. This year I thought of something different. One night after hockey ended, at midnight EFF, I got to thinking. We need to do something to give back, to do something charitable and help those less fortunate out. So I remembered in college we drew names and bought toys that reminded us of the person we drew, and then donated them to a charity. So that's what we did this year at ARS. I would have to say it couldn't have went better. We all bought toys for each other and they all had good stories of why they reminded us of each other and when it was all said and done, I couldn't have fit anything else in my car.

We dropped the toys off this morning at the Child and Family Support Center in Logan and it was awesome! They were so thankful and already knew of families that were in dire need. Glad we could help. But Seriously dont go thinking I have a heart, I bring the pain if need be.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

win and lose in a day

Started the fourth day of the week at five am again, for the fourth time again this week.  I had so much work to get accomplished today and had some doubts, but thankfully everyone came to work at work today and we kicked some serious ass.  which is good because I am smoked.  I have such a feeling of dinner
Being that we are in podunk Lehi we find the best restaurant in town, Porters.  This place has hamburgers the size of cuba.  6 out of the eight at the table ordered them, me being one of the two that did not.  I am very realistic with my ability to chow down mass quantities of food that isnt stroganoff,. so I opted for a reasonable buffalo burger.   One of my fellow coworkers, that we shall for purposes of security and privacy refer to as the gigantic vag, had a hard time eating/finishing his burger. Thus the shit talk started flowing non stop from me.  Why I did this I dont know.  My boss then threw out the "Ill give a hundred bucks to whoever", oh hell, "to whoever can drink 32 ounces of milk in three minutes."
I thought to myself, I drink that in one sitting at the fridge (yes I drink from the carton, I bought the shit, I can do what I want.)  So I was like I will do it right now!  Now the thing with my boss is, things change instantly.  What started as 32 ounces turned into a half gallon in 7 minutes.  OH well, Imma keep going. 48 ounces later I was looking around and everyone was crying laughing, I gathered my self, got up, and walked outside and puked all over the locals of Lehi Utahs cars, ALOT!  I didnt win 100 bucks, and oddly everything smells like milk.  I should have declined when they brought out vitamin D milk, stupid red cap crap milk anyway.  Fail.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day of the week?

Multiple times today people have asked me what day it is.  I have no effing idea, I just reply with "its december".  This is my attitude while working 17 hour days starting at five in the morning, and just working until we cant physically work any longer.  This is hard for a guy that usually sits behind a desk writing estimates and checking the internet for interesting things.  Oh well.
This day in history is one that brings many emotions to me.  The sudden attacks on Pearl Harbor sent this country into war, and gave us the greatest generation of all time.  I think of what the troops back then had to go through and it never ceases to amaze me.  Anyone that serves in the forces has my total respect, because of you, I get to be a shit bag and live an awesome life.  My familia has had their share of service and I am super proud of that fact.  If being a slap ass doesnt work out for me, I bet I could work my way in.  hmmmmmmm.  

So this is day two this week, and if I was an hourly employee I would hit 40 hours tomorrow, but Im not, and that means I make like 3 dollars an hour after tomorrow.   Love it.  Love my family, my dog, my friends, my bikes.  love this shitty hotel bed.............................................g'night

Monday, December 6, 2010

Got Underwear?

For my mormon friends I hope you have your stock of garments, because you may be out of them if you dont.  For the past week I have been down in Utah County, working on a fire that happened at the Church's garment factory.  They had to throw away almost a million dollars worth of garments because of the fire.  I am "sleeping" in a ghetto hotel, and eating out for every meal.  I fear for when I go back to my trainer, Im stoked to be the fat kid in gym class next week.  

BMX this weekend.  Cant wait. hate winter.  Miss my family.
most pointless blog ever, but I feel so out of touch.  ON the flipside, were right across the street from Lehi High school and the mills, I keep praying for a footloose part 2 to start filming this week, more or less so I could punch Kevin Bacon.  No man goes dancing around like an idiot to blow off steam. pssssssh.  Maybe if I can locate my brain tomorrow I will post something worth reading.  

Friday, November 19, 2010

no doubt in my mind

Hmmmm, and they wonder why we hate them.

I got your effing big brother right here suckers!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Douchebaggery, its an art.

Ok, so this last weekend it was go time to find a new ride. This means that I have been peeping cars online for at least a couple of weeks, and I had a few that I wanted to take a gander at. I am no novice car shopper. I have bought four vehicles in three years, we have it down to a science and know what we like, and now after a few eye openers, know the questions to ask, and what to look for. So imagine my excitement having a total douche bag for a car salesman.
So if you're going to try and sale me a car that has the following wrong with it, well Ill get to that in a minute, first the list ( I effing love lists!):

Cracked windshield-wont pass inspection
crazy motor shake
cracked rear lights both clear and red-wont pass inspection
tons of dings and dents
the right side of the trunk was not flush with rest of car, almost 1 1/2 inches difference
strange spray over, almost like it had been repainted. though I was promised it wasnt
filthy inside, found some CD's though.
I could go on, but you get the gist of it.

So this poor, starving, college student told me that he went to Weber, was in in the Photography department and this is how he was paying for college. Well, first off, this was the same night we (the Aggies) were playing Weber in mens basketball, so instantly I hated him. Then he tried to explain just how fast this particular car was going to sale. Umm, not exactly. He asked us what we were doing later that day and we explained that we were going to go pick up a tv for my father in laws dad, and he the told me "oh man, my roommate and I just picked up a 50 inch LED samsung". This peaked my interest, because when I was in college, yes I spent a ton of money, but never had enough to buy a big ass TV.

After pulling off the freeway, which we were only on for a mile or two, the check engine light came on. I was over it. Pulled the piece of shit back into the lot and tried to plan our escape. He then told me he was going to go get the carfax, instead came back out and introduced us to the "owner". Now this Howie Mandell look alike pufta deserved to get drop kicked right off the start. This guy started hounding me harder than a dog with a cat in a tree. "what can I do to earn your business? what do you not like about the car?" me "everything!"
He kept going and I could smell the stale cigarettes and coffee on his breath, oh dear lord help me. The "owner" then told me "Im going to go ask my boss if I can do better on the price" Wait a minute, arent you the owner? Im so confused. The original car salesman came back out, without the car fax again and gave me one last spiel "by buying this car from us today you are supporting a locally owned and operated business and would help out a poor college student."
I puked right there. Eff you! Thats what I wanted to say, but rather I just said thanks for their time, and then bitched about it for the next three to four hours.

Thanks for wasting my time douchebags. I dont support poor college students that have bigger TV's than me. What ever happened to selling something that didnt suck? OH well, I bought a better car from someone else, so they can SUCK IT! Picture to come whenever I decide to take my lazy ass out into the cold and take a photo.

Monday, November 15, 2010

stop yelling at me

Hey look, its the grommet.

Now just imagine how good she is going to look with some new Oakleys.

Why Thanks

Thanks to, I am upgrading from four year old Oakly Gascans to these:

Be Jealous!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The kid to be is now a..............

The kid to be is now a kid that is! The grommet has arrived safe and sound, and you know what? I kinda like her. I think were going to be homies, and in a couple of months and were gonna ride bikes together. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my little grommet.

Monday, November 8, 2010

HI,meet me, Im super awesome

HI, meet me, Im super awesome

I have to tell myself that everyday in the winter because in all reality, there are only three good things that happen in the winter. Snowboarding, indoor BMX, and Aggie basketball. Be that these things dont get to happen everyday, I have to resort to self help talk. Let me give you a run down on how my mornings usually start:

chirpy side of me : "good morning sunshine"
the realist side of me : "SUCK IT!"
csom: "lets get this show on the road slappy"
trsom: "why dont you throw yourself along with that show in the fireplace"
csom: "you have stuff to do, so lets get going"

at this point I start moving but mumble
"why do you hate me so much, Im tired and just want to lay here for a couple more minutes, you suck"

I find my dog in the dark and decide to lay down with him "oh hello jib, Im tired too, lets just lay here all day"

csom : "lets roll"
trsom: "eff off"

reluctantly making it to the stereo I push play, shower, shave, brush my teeth, get dressed, pet my dog, put my shoes on, before turning the lights off to head out the door, I look in the mirror and my realist side says "youre a handsome devil, whats your name?"

morning off and rolling.

eff winter

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

excuse me sir?

Could I please borrow your equipment, I have a baby coming soon and might need it for the delivery?

Monday, September 27, 2010


About a year or so ago I bought a Subaru. I was pretty stoked on the car but received a rash of shit for driving a hippy ride, even though it was one of the sporty ones. So the guys one day at work thought it would be funny to put a rainbow sticker on my car. I drove around with it for a couple of days, and when I found it, I thought it was pretty funny but tore it off quickly. As I tore it off, I thought to myself

"Ill just buy my time and have my revenge."

Well fast forward to today, almost a year later, and I have my revenge.
Background: I work with this guy, he has been married four times, and has a shit storm of kids. I actually missed one on the sticker. Now if you live outside of Utah you might not understand, but hell, its still funny.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

You watch what they want you to

When we moved into our house I was on the kick of not watching anything negative on TV. I was so fed up with all the propaganda that was being shown on the television that I couldnt stomach it, let alone paying for it.
See I like to choose what I watch, not be victim of paying some corporation tons of money each year just to watch what they want me to. Now I have plenty of family and friends that have TV, they enjoy it, but for me and the wifester, it just doesnt make sense.
Now the wifester enjoys a few TV shows, thankfully for the internet they make it possible for her to watch them. We have made it one year without TV in our house, and with the little grommet soon to arrive, we arent planning on getting it. I like the freed
om of choosing what I watch, when I want, and for however long I want, at a very minimal cost to me.
Thankfully Wimpy is a pirate and I can still get sons of anarchy without any pesky commercials.
Check this out:

Friday, September 24, 2010

coffee? yes please

It has almost been ten months,
ten looooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggg months. I miss coffee, I miss feeling awake, I miss spending money, I miss my beloved black water. yummy, stupid goals.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blast from the past

(Megan, me, the brother)
I just found some pics from a few years back in Lake Powell. Oh the hair, wifester hated the hair, I personally love it. If I could I would grow it back out, but two things would happen.
1. I would get fired
2. I would get divorced.
decisions, decisions.
(summer of 05 Bullfrog Crew)

(another one of the brother, he didn't work down there but this made their newsletter. Our softball team kicked Ticaboos ass! but then again we had three college baseball players on our team, so......)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Damn the Man, I love semantics, errrrr I dont know

Voil‡! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Behold! Before you is a humble stage performer, cast, against his will, by the whims of fate, to the roles of both victim and villain. The face you see now is not just some meaningless costume. It is a remnant of the People's Voice, which has since gone and disappeared. However, this past annoyance stands courageously reborn and has sworn to conquer the evil and corrupt, who promote greed and the violent suppression of free will. The only choice is vengeance; a personal war held as a promise, but not in vain, for the importance and self-evidence of this quest shall one day exonerate the watchful and the righteous. But in truth, this thick soup of words has become too excessive. So, let me simply finish by saying that it's my very good honor to meet you, and you may call me V.~

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose an effing big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of effing fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing effing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, effed-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

State Champion and a sunburn

(I dont need no stinking trophy!)

Taking two months off of your bicycle and then deciding that it would be a good idea to race one of the most important races in the state is sort of a bad idea. This could be considered reckless for a few reasons: money, health, emotional well being, and it would require me not to be a lazy bum on saturdays. Me being a bum on a saturday is the thing that I do best so this was hard for me.None the less I decided to take last friday off from work to put the bike in the stand and clean it for the first time in two months, this was pretty much the first time I even touched this bike since the national in july. I mean I rode it once, but I use the term "rode" loosely. Any how I had to ride down to wifesters work to pick up turbo, and being back on that bike was awesome, so I then got excited for what the weekend might hold.

(rarely do I race without goggles, but under the lights is gnarly, friday night main event)

Friday night we raced under the lights. The temperature was crisp, and I ended up with seven riders in the gate. I enoy a larger group of people, but everyone I was racing that night was super quick. No worries, I was there to have fun, just so happens when I have fun I win.
Chalk up a "W" for friday night under the lights, ha, friday night lights, ok ok that was lame.

(, myself, and KP take the first jump)

(me and KP, I guess you could say we have different styles. BBcom went down in the first corner)

Any hooser, Saturday I woke up from what you could call a restless night of turning and kicking in anticipation to do work at the BMX track. I was trailing by one point in the state standings so I had to win out right this day to be crowned state champion. I had to race a couple of ultra fast guys and it turned out that with having a complete blast riding my bike, in turn with the best support crew ever, I didn't lose a lap , and won the state championship race, and title. It was a super fun time, thanks to everyone for their support and awesome encouragement, even though it cost everyone a sunburn. Its much appreciated. I love the Utah BMX the entire scene is a class act!
(me on top of the podium with the loot and the rest of the 28-35 top 10 men)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Yes I'm an asshole

Being a soon to be father has taught me a few things, basically that Im an asshole. If you are thinking about or are about to be a father, read on so you can avoid a few simple mistakes.

First off, sleep on the couch, so much is avoided if you do this. Basically everything.

Hopefully when you find out that you're going to be a father you don't have the same vision I did, (if you dont get this reference watch spaceballs)

Im still freaked out about the little grommet inside kicking the crap out of wifester, but Ill get over it, I hope.

Comments that are best left unsaid.
"You look huge" sometimes I can be so retarded
"you're pretty cute for a pregnant chick" yeah this is the most brilliant thing to say to you pregnant wife who is has been miserable for the past half year
As your wife lifts up her shirt to show you her belly refrain from saying "ah put it away!" yeah that scored me about negative fifty points in the husband of the month club.
"Are you sure its mine?" has this ever worked? EVER?
dont ever call your baby to be an "anchor baby" people for some reason get super offended.

When your wife asks you to take a guess at how much weight she has gained, well fellas this is a trick and you should just run like hell not answer this question. No, not me, I hid behind the corner and peaked around and threw out numbers, I guess I just cant let it be.

I guess though now that were in our seventh month of this adventure I have learned to tone it down a bit. Last night was our first birthing class, I basically kept my mouth shut for two hours. Not because I didnt have stuff to say, but more out of fear that if I opened my mouth the vomit would go everywhere. holy hell people, why would you take the placenta home with you. ahhhhhhhhhhh damnit, I just threw up.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I want a pet bear

(the view outside our hotelish door)

The wifester and I headecd to Island Park over this last weekend, I guess you could say it was our last couple vacation before the grommet gets here, and it was super fun. My thoughts were consumed with the possibility of getting eatin by a bear, or at least seeing one, just ask wifester. I kept telling her that all I had to do is out run her and I was good. Just kidding people, yes I did tell her that, but I wouldnt do that, I mean I have one hell of a single leg take down. Me vs. Bear, bear wins but I score the first two points, take the bitch bear, ha!

(45 MPH through the whole park, effff!)

Anyway, this place wasnt exactly what we had thought it was going to be, but we had tons of fun. A little sight seeing, alot of eating, and minimal cell phone service, those that know me know this is a huge deal being that I pack two cell phones with me at all times.
It was rad to get away for a weekend, wish I wouldn't of had to work on Labor Day, but whatever, it'll pay off one day, right? hope so.
(at least this bison was in the correct lane, people need to take notes from this guy)

on a side note if you guys get a chance check out wimpys blog, shits funny.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


(The rodeo we attended Saturday night, so awesome)

Went to Idaho this weekend and man was it a trip! Wimpy had bought us tickets to go see my all-time favorite band Social Distortion at the Knitting Factory in Boise, and we have been patiently waiting for months for this weekend to arrive. A little while back Wimpy also bought Huck a ticket, but because Huck is a gigantic poser he didnt come with and I stood through the whole concert with an extra ticket in my pocket. Your loss Huck. Anyhow, Social Distortion melted peoples faces off friday night and it was nothing short of amazing. Wimpy bought the kid to be a little present at the concert but you will have to wait to see that.
(Mike Ness rockin faces off, but I didnt take this photo cause Im a retard)

(They'll fry anything in Idaho)
(Typical Wimpy Parking)

So from what I gather there is a schnack ton of underage girls pregant in Idaho, Wimpy and I just sat there and guessed ages, I would say 16 was the average guesstimate.

"this is the type of town where parents are happy when their kids tell them their gay, their just happy that they dont have to worry about raising their kids children." -Wimpy

Now I am one to waste some time for sure, but if you put me and Wimpy together we are incredible at doing nothing, and providing ourselves with copious amounts of fun. Here are a few things that I learned from the weekend:

1. Wimpy sucks at parking
2. Idaho should be renamed to underageho
3. New Plymouth Idaho Population 1400-Freakin Awesome!
4. I really need to start eating better
5. Bronco nation is crazy and I fear the upcoming onslaught of a game between USU and BSU
6. lists suck but your reading it, haha
7. Wild cow milking, holy hell I have never laughed so hard at the misfortune of an animal
8. They start em young in Idaho
9. Wimpy could quite possibly go down as the most witty person ever
10.Still love Rodeos
11. When I say that it smells like propane and Wimpy says its grey water, trust me its propane and were still alive because of me
(This is Wimpys deep fried Snickers, he said he was less of a man for eating it)

All and all it was a great weekend and I was glad to be home. Thanks to Wimpy and G-MA Wimpy for the hospitality. Oh yeah, were going to see Social D in October too!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Reunion? nah

This past weekend was one of my ten year reunions at one of my high schools that I attended, good ol Carbon High. To be honest I was a bit confused why I even received an invite, seeing as how I graduated high school from Woods Cross in North Salt Lake. It crossed my mind for about a split second to go, but then my logical more hateful side came through and I came to my senses. We'll see if we go to the Woods Cross reunion, but honestly dont really care.
Last month was the national, lets just say it was a rough weekend, and Im still a little bitter, but I still had some fun,
(probably the only thing I did right this weekend, this gate)

Anyhow I love my life, my wife, my kid to be, my dog, my family, my friends, and tattoos. So have a good day and we'll catch you on the flipside.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Up the mtn we go, my butt hurts

(My whip at the Lake)

This morning I joined a little group to ride to the lake at Tony Grove up Logan Canyon. Lets be clear, my ass hurts! 27 miles up the canyon climbing approximately 3400 feet put me in the hurt locker. Lets do it again real soon.
(ARS up the canyon)
(lycra blows)
(Tony Grove Lake)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This is the week of the Great Salt Lake National, and while many are training hard for the weekend I figure if Im not ready now, then pushing myself this week isnt going to get me anywhere so I decided to relax. I owed the wifester a date for the month of June so I took her and the jibbus up to bear lake for some grub and lake time. It was nice to get out of the chaos for a minute, literally its chaos, up at 2 am this morning for a fire. Awesome!
heres some pics that the wifester took of the pup and I.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

lets go!

SO the time has somewhat flew by this past month. Work is up and down like always, and life is full on haul ass mode. The wifester is plumpin up good with the daughter to be, yup, thats right were having a girl. So heres my advice to all of you in blogging land with little guys, keep em away from me because I am now punching any boy I see that is under three, yup, poppin em right in the chops. You gotta teach em young not to mess with my baby girl.
Been training somewhat for the marathon, BMX, and throwing hockey in ther
e once or twice a week. Did a 3 on 3 tournament in hockey and actually won, which is a nice change when it comes to hockey because my regular team blows. Their actually a pretty cool group of fellas, but dont mesh well on the ice, oh well.
Other than that I still have the problem of kicking cars, so dont cut me off, especially if you're in your moms subarban, because I will dent that dang thing!
Racing the SLC nationals this weekend so stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Well Hell

Bla Bla Bla, I know I dont update much but hell, I have been a busy kid. The past little while has been a roller coaster of emotion at the Ah La Casa De Harmon. My grandpa passed away this past month after living a hell of a life. Im not going to go in to this much, but just know, I was down right spoiled with the best grandpas anyone could ask for.
The wifester then lost her grandmother 8 days later. Totally bummin for sure.

I guess its a matter of perspective, but I can say this, the wifester and I both learn
ed alot about each other this past little while. Where we got certain quirks, styles, habits, and emotion. love that chicka and we are awesome people for having such awesome people in our lives.

I have done some traveling which has had me away for about ten days in the past two weeks. I went to Phoenix for work, stayed in the hood and studied more in five days than my entire college career.

(just a hotel room full of bikes)
Then to ABQ, New Mexico for some racing action with mr brent barton
himself. I faired well, 2nd and 3rd on Saturday and 3rd on sunday. Maybe I will ride my bike once before the next national, that might help a little.
(who loves Zacs pizza in Moab? this guy!)

I managed not to crash the entire time I was racing, but riding down the street to the skatepark in Cortex Colorado, well, not so lucky, but whatever.

Now whats in store for June? I dont know, stay tuned, I might update more this month.

keep on keepin on

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Freakin MAY!

Yesterday was May 1st. So you know what mother nature decided to do to us here in Utah? Snow. Yeah we woke up yesterday and today to snow, well actually I woke up to Devin saying theres muffins for breakfast before you shovel. EFF! I slept long enough that the sun came out and melted it off the walks. Yes, chalk that one up in the "W" column.

I have decided I suffer from S.A.D., seriously I need some tight pants and black hair dye. I am turning into an emo grommet due to the lack of sunshine in my life. So in the absence of sunshine and rational thought, I fill the void with food. And due to the fact that the wifester is all about eating out during the pregnancy thingy, I have fully indulged.

Friday night, beehive grill-sucks
Saturday night-sushi
sunday lunch-texas roadhouse ginourmous salad
sunday dinner-more sushi, followed by ramen
Bless it, but this may have to stop considering..................hahaha wouldnt you like to know

If you havent seen kickass, you need to, it will set you free. I've been twice, and love it!

But seriously if the sun doesn't come out soon I am going to jump off a cliff..............

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok everyone, I know and understand that times are tough right now, but sometimes by paying it forward things come back around and help those who have given to others.
So I was nominated to be "locked up" to raise money for MD here in the Logan area. Every dollar earned will go directly to a local child or adult working to overcome MD. Anything you can do is and will be greatly appreciated.

please go to and donate.

This may mean that you have to go without coffee for a week, or give something else up that is trivial, but I promise these monies are not trivial to those battling this disease. Thanks everyone!

oh and how about a picture of the hair just to make you smile.

Monday, April 26, 2010


For the sake of blogging, I give you a list.

1. Shaved my head, now I have a crispy fried noggin that hurts like hell.

2. AFSAV for dummies. Seriously?!? This is just bad news for the military

3. Going to the west side of Lo Town, and people locking their cars when they see us coming, classic.

4. If you leave chicken on the grill, it will burn.

5. If you hit the warm up burner button on the stove and throw a towel on it, it will burn.

6. I like my wife, dog, and bikes

7. I hate tailgaters, emo kids, DMV ladies, and rollerbladers

8. I so called the drug bust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9.I tend to forget garbage day every week, good thing we don't use much

10. My damn head hurts!

11.most pointless blog yet, I think so......................

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ahem attention please!

*warning the following post may contain the word Ass*

8:30 Wednesday evening, the wifester and kid to be are asleep, the dog is sitting behind me eating a bone, and mother nature forgot that it was supposed to be a lovely spring day outside.

I would like to take a minute and tell you about an epiphany I had today while taking the wifester down the road for her latest craving, ummmm mash potatoes and gravy from KFC (I didn't get anything).

I feel that the world would be a better place if, at some point in everyones life, they got their asses kicked. I mean seriously put the hurtin to! No, I don't mean that they should be beaten so bad that they end up in the hospital, but very close would be acceptable.

Let me rationalize this for you. Have you ever had that annoying S.O.B. that tailgates you so close that you cant for the life of you even see their hood? This is a daily occurrence for me considering I live on ass hole hill and everyone is in such a damn hurry. But what if, that person that finds me to be the sole reason their running behind, at some point received a major ass kicking. Do you think they would think twice about riding someone so close: I do! Even if its that tragically hip prom queen in her "like most awesome" Jetta, she too needs her ass kicked, there is no special treatment in the everyone gets an ass kickin world.

I bet the customer service industry would sky rocket with compliments. Could you imagine if all the waiters and waitresses knew what it was like to receive a major ass kicking?

Well I know this wont happen because we cant all just walk around kicking some ass, or all the bullies would walk around all bummed and emo, and damnit we have enough emo kids out there.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Im not a communist, well, I think.

Went to dinner at that one place were the underpaid waiters and waitresses dance uncomfortably close to the tables tonight, and now as I sit and actually watch my stomach get bigger by the second it has me thinking about the government. Haha which is also getting bigger (more powerful) by the second. On our way there tonight we were talking about what exactly I am, because I have declared that I am not a democrat.
This topic also came up today at work when my boss threw it out there that he thought I would be down with the dems, well, sorry to dissapoint but Im not. I mean I like some of their ideas, but for the most part, nah, not for me.

So what exactly would I consider myself? An anarchist? A communist? A Republican? A liberal? A tea party, hell maybe if it was called the coffee party and this was four months ago?

Nope, as I put it to Devin I am a Conservative liberal, or as the Wifey would say, conservative liberalist. But really I would say that I dont have a class, I like what I like, and live the way I live because I can, and Im American and thats my damn right!

Lately I have been hating on our beloved putz for a president, sorry about that Obama, but I think that you should focus on fixing things rather than trying to leave your mark in the political history books.

Anyway its monday, its raining outside, and I have nothing else to say. Other than, I think Im going to run for President. Or maybe Ill start out smaller, like Mayor, yeah I could be the mayor of Logan, that would be pretty entertaining. BMX for lunch and every thursday (remember we dont work fridays), is bring your dog to work day, except for the DMV, they would be responsible for dog $#%* pick up duty.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

At least their not frozen

Dear lady that lives across the street from us, this is your warning to not let your dog poach Jibs tennis balls.

If you neglect this warning, I will not turn the force against your dog. Rather, you will receive multiple shots to the face with painballs (they wont be frozen). I hate to resort to violence (not really) but your lack of effort/care for your animal really pisses me off. Im sorry that the law came to your house and made you put your dog away, but I fail to see it as my responsibility to pick up your dogs mess, and have the little bastages growl at me in MY yard.

The wife is at Garth right now in Vegas, and I'm out of Ramen noodles, HELP!

That is all

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ME vs. the DMV

There is something so unsatisfying about going to the DMV. I cant really put my finger on it, whether it be the re-freaking-diculous long lines, or the generally over weight, angry at the world for over paying them, woman on the other side of the counter that just wants to get back to her diet coke and facebook. Or maybe its my inability to have the correct forms every time I go to get something taken care of, whatever it is, I have decided that I hate it, so much in fact that I am boycotting the DMV until the next time I have to go there.

For normal people, who may only have a car or two, your experiences generally last about fifteen minutes (actual communication time with somewhat of a human), but mine is a bit more frequent. I am blessed with overseeing a fleet of vehicles that all need somewhat of attention for wrong names on titles, vehicles being sold, or just some license plate that needs to be changed over. Now you may be thinking that here I am just bitching about doing my job and I should just be happy that I have a job, well I am very happy to have a job, but the people at the DMV seem to be oh so put out that they have to do their actual job.

First, when I come in and talk to the supervisor and she hands me the paperwork I need to do what I have to, I expect that to be it, but it seems like I make numerous trips back to get the correct paperwork, only to made out to feel like an idiot when I dont.

second, I understand that you are busy counting your calories on, but really do that shit at home and get me on my marry freakin way.(jenny craig doesnt make her money from people succeeding on her diet and then moving on, Im just saying)

Third, there are eight windows available for personal to work from, but every time I go in there, why, there isnt any more than 2 people working. Many people could use jobs you know.

UGH, If I have to stand in front of some ignorant red neck and listen to him complain about standing in line so he can register his tractor, I think I might A)puke, and B) punch him.

Sorry for the rant, wait no Im not.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sk8day Sunday.

(my favorite from the day)

Some good friends from the past showed up in Logan this morning for a little skatepark/Logan High session. Be that Logan is straight Nazis when it comes to bikes on the skatepark I opted not to get arrested today and grabbed my camera rather than my bike and met up with Cam, Derek, and Paul.
(Paul and Cam)

(Derek, Cam)
We havent seen each other in ages, and I find awesome that we can go years without seeing each other and when we do, its like we havent even skipped a day.