Thursday, December 16, 2010

sssshhhhh I have a heart but dont tell anyone

White elephant gifts? I just dont get them, I mean last year at our Christmas party we passed around the white elephant gifts and nobody kept them for more than five minutes after leaving the party. Sure it was somewhat funny (enter sympathy laugh here), but good for nothing else. This year I thought of something different. One night after hockey ended, at midnight EFF, I got to thinking. We need to do something to give back, to do something charitable and help those less fortunate out. So I remembered in college we drew names and bought toys that reminded us of the person we drew, and then donated them to a charity. So that's what we did this year at ARS. I would have to say it couldn't have went better. We all bought toys for each other and they all had good stories of why they reminded us of each other and when it was all said and done, I couldn't have fit anything else in my car.

We dropped the toys off this morning at the Child and Family Support Center in Logan and it was awesome! They were so thankful and already knew of families that were in dire need. Glad we could help. But Seriously dont go thinking I have a heart, I bring the pain if need be.


Jonas and Devin said...

Don't worry no one would mistake you having a heart. You just wanted something to post on your blog.

Jonas said...

dear wife,
I am having divorce papers being drawn up.

devin said...

dear husband,
you still look pretty.
love, your awesome wife

Debbie said...

You two are pretty funny!!!

Patrick-Nicole-Daxton said...

I loved that we did that for cheer....and more that you passed on the lovely idea! PS I know you have a heart....I've seen it a couple times. But if you really want I will keep it a secret:)

Becky said...

I found your blog post through my friend Les. I just have to say that this is the coolest idea for a gift exchange I have seen in a long time. Thanks so much for posting it on the net. I hope you don't mind my sharing it on my blog. I linked to your post here

Please let me know if you want me to remove the link. I thought your idea was just too good not to share and I of course wanted to credit you for it. Have a great holiday!