Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Way to go Big Ben, I hate you. You ruined the superbowl for your team, and I hate you. I have been a Steelers fan since I was a lil grom with a mullet, and now that Big Ben is still quarterback, I give up til he is gone. He is a low life, a bum, and would fit better on the Raiders. Green Bay can still suck it. Why? Because Wisconsin pretty much sucks, thats why.

Another race weekend came and went. We got our new uniforms, have both new bikes built up. T-minus two months til Chula Vista. Oh boy, take to the next level. Here is a photo from the weekend., cant tell if Im riding the wall or not.

On to better news. My grommet is three months old today. Where is the time going? Love this little grommet. If I had a heart, it would be full.