Thursday, January 23, 2014

Settling in

We are officially in our new home!  What a wild ride it has been over the past two+ years.  I commuted for nearly 2 solid years, still not sure how I did that for so long, but those days have come and gone.  The week I got home from New Zealand we were made an offer on our home in Logan.  It was a total bummer to move out of our first home.  I guess everyones first home holds a special place in their heart, but I can honestly say, things happen for a reason.  Our new home is awesome.  I find myself sitting at the kitchen table every morning drinking coffee, eating oatmeal and just looking out the window at the view.  I cannot believe this is our house, and this is our view, and ahhhhh, just everything.  Thank you to everyone that has helped us through this transition and making it much easier than it really should have been.
I signed on with GT for another season and am very thankful for that opportunity.  Still not sure how I have buffaloed my way on there, but it keeps working so Im going to roll with it.
Traveled to Reno a couple of weeks ago for the season opener.  Had a pretty good weekend but had to bail early to get home.  The races were dragging and I had qualified for both mains, but sometimes you have to make a choice, and I choose my girls.  So thankful to my TM for encouraging me to catch my plane, good human for sure.
Alot going on right now, but I kind of like it when its busy.  If youre not busy youre bored.  I booked a few flights this week, a couple of tickets for the grom and the wifester to fly out to San Diego the first week of April for five days, to join me down there.  I will be pretty busy, but so will they, just playing and enjoying it.  I will be working, but its all good, more on that later.
We took a family day to the ice castles last weekend, it was awesome.  The wifester wrote up a little blog update on that trip here.  My mind is continually blown everyday with the grom.  Tonight as we were playing and what not, she started singing along to the Frozen soundtrack.  The wife and I were simply amazed that she has so much of the songs memorized.  Well, maybe not too surprised considering she has seen the movie three times, and just asked Paps tonight to take her this weekend.  Her imagination is just blossoming and I cant wait to encourage it.  I wish I could frame every little piece of art or piece of paper she writes on, its just so amazing to me.  Cant say enough about her.

The weather sucks, the air sucks, but there was blue skies today and I got to come home to a couple of ladies that love me.  Its all good in the new hood.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

a photo

A candid photo speaks volumes.  Taking the grom skating and having her smile the entire time.  yup, life. its good.  

teenage wasteland

This song will never get old.  This song is on the soundtrack to a couple of my favorite movies/videos.  The Girl Next Door and Hyperlites Counterfeit this.  This tune will always be a classic for me and remind me of the days in Lake Powell, and trying to pretend I knew how to wakeboard.
The new house is coming along great.  I think we are going to try and sleep there tomorrow.  should be an adventure.  I am super excited about it, and will give you minimal followers a video review of the house when we get it all set up.  Dont worry, the theater is already set up, yeah, it has a theater.  Fake baller.
