Monday, November 8, 2010

HI,meet me, Im super awesome

HI, meet me, Im super awesome

I have to tell myself that everyday in the winter because in all reality, there are only three good things that happen in the winter. Snowboarding, indoor BMX, and Aggie basketball. Be that these things dont get to happen everyday, I have to resort to self help talk. Let me give you a run down on how my mornings usually start:

chirpy side of me : "good morning sunshine"
the realist side of me : "SUCK IT!"
csom: "lets get this show on the road slappy"
trsom: "why dont you throw yourself along with that show in the fireplace"
csom: "you have stuff to do, so lets get going"

at this point I start moving but mumble
"why do you hate me so much, Im tired and just want to lay here for a couple more minutes, you suck"

I find my dog in the dark and decide to lay down with him "oh hello jib, Im tired too, lets just lay here all day"

csom : "lets roll"
trsom: "eff off"

reluctantly making it to the stereo I push play, shower, shave, brush my teeth, get dressed, pet my dog, put my shoes on, before turning the lights off to head out the door, I look in the mirror and my realist side says "youre a handsome devil, whats your name?"

morning off and rolling.

eff winter


devin said...

you are so weird

Debbie said...

Quit your whining - it is time to ski!!!

Oh ya - it is also time to have a baby.............

Erin said...

I so agree with you about far as aggie basketball goes. But Winter sports and BMX?? Ay mi madre. It's an understatement to say I'm "not coordinated" enough to do those things. Damn.