Monday, September 6, 2010

I want a pet bear

(the view outside our hotelish door)

The wifester and I headecd to Island Park over this last weekend, I guess you could say it was our last couple vacation before the grommet gets here, and it was super fun. My thoughts were consumed with the possibility of getting eatin by a bear, or at least seeing one, just ask wifester. I kept telling her that all I had to do is out run her and I was good. Just kidding people, yes I did tell her that, but I wouldnt do that, I mean I have one hell of a single leg take down. Me vs. Bear, bear wins but I score the first two points, take the bitch bear, ha!

(45 MPH through the whole park, effff!)

Anyway, this place wasnt exactly what we had thought it was going to be, but we had tons of fun. A little sight seeing, alot of eating, and minimal cell phone service, those that know me know this is a huge deal being that I pack two cell phones with me at all times.
It was rad to get away for a weekend, wish I wouldn't of had to work on Labor Day, but whatever, it'll pay off one day, right? hope so.
(at least this bison was in the correct lane, people need to take notes from this guy)

on a side note if you guys get a chance check out wimpys blog, shits funny.

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