Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shut it!

Yes I spent 7 years in college, yes that's how long most Dr.s go to school, no I am not a Dr., nor do I pretend to know how to be one. So I find it funny when mr. pre med cheese dong tries to educate me in my line of business.

For those of you that dont know, Logan has been getting pretty beaten up with water lately. The mixture of snow, and rain has resulted in probably 200+ floods in the valley. We have had crews going non stop since it began, and with this I have taken on the task of training one of the guys at work to monitor and explain why we do what we do.

So here we are in a house, and I start explaining to my co-worker why we position equipment the way we do, and how it creates air pressure.

Enter pre med douche bag. "Well I thought fans decrease air pressure."

I looked at him in a puzzled look and said, 'behind the fans yes, but not in front.'

He piped back at me with "Thats what I was taught in Physics" in his la tee da voice.

OK, ass wipe, just because I look the way I do and have the job I do, doesn't mean Im not educated. (remember seven years of college= five degrees with two minors)

I looked at him and started moving the fans for illustration "If I have the air mover back here I have increased the distance thus decreasing the air pressure on the surface I want to dry. So by decreasing the distance, and adjusting the angle, I increase air pressure, also increasing capillary action in a permeable material such as the drywall." How do you like them apples?

Dont be so quick to judge. I choose to do what I do, not because I have to, but because I want to. People, lose the holier than thou attitude, just because you are going to school or have went to school doesn't mean you're smart. The smartest people I know didn't go to college.

Speaking of intelligence, remember this?
I love this movie

Saturday, December 18, 2010

yadda yadda yadda

Its Saturday, I need to be shoveling, but the general apathy I live by is winning the battle of motivation this morning. As I told you in earlier posts, I bought a car, I love it. Yes its another Subaru, however, this isnt the tree hugging, save Tibet bumper sticker rockin, decaf drinkin rig of the past (even when i drove a wagon I didnt drink decaf). Nope, this one has a little pep, or I guess you could say it straight out hauls ASS! Yes its a little fast and furious, but I dont care, and I endeavor to retain the spirit of youth, so suck it haters.
just call me Paul Walker

I made the decision last week to race the first national of the ABA BMX season in Reno, in three weeks, so I have stepped the training a little bit. Pretty excited to see what happens when I train like I know I should, who knows, I might actually do good. If not I will just go gymkhana in the parking lot.
Hey Emo kids, smile, because life could be worse, you could be a tragically hipster. Here is a video of a song that should just make you feel good about life.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

sssshhhhh I have a heart but dont tell anyone

White elephant gifts? I just dont get them, I mean last year at our Christmas party we passed around the white elephant gifts and nobody kept them for more than five minutes after leaving the party. Sure it was somewhat funny (enter sympathy laugh here), but good for nothing else. This year I thought of something different. One night after hockey ended, at midnight EFF, I got to thinking. We need to do something to give back, to do something charitable and help those less fortunate out. So I remembered in college we drew names and bought toys that reminded us of the person we drew, and then donated them to a charity. So that's what we did this year at ARS. I would have to say it couldn't have went better. We all bought toys for each other and they all had good stories of why they reminded us of each other and when it was all said and done, I couldn't have fit anything else in my car.

We dropped the toys off this morning at the Child and Family Support Center in Logan and it was awesome! They were so thankful and already knew of families that were in dire need. Glad we could help. But Seriously dont go thinking I have a heart, I bring the pain if need be.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

win and lose in a day

Started the fourth day of the week at five am again, for the fourth time again this week.  I had so much work to get accomplished today and had some doubts, but thankfully everyone came to work at work today and we kicked some serious ass.  which is good because I am smoked.  I have such a feeling of dinner
Being that we are in podunk Lehi we find the best restaurant in town, Porters.  This place has hamburgers the size of cuba.  6 out of the eight at the table ordered them, me being one of the two that did not.  I am very realistic with my ability to chow down mass quantities of food that isnt stroganoff,. so I opted for a reasonable buffalo burger.   One of my fellow coworkers, that we shall for purposes of security and privacy refer to as the gigantic vag, had a hard time eating/finishing his burger. Thus the shit talk started flowing non stop from me.  Why I did this I dont know.  My boss then threw out the "Ill give a hundred bucks to whoever", oh hell, "to whoever can drink 32 ounces of milk in three minutes."
I thought to myself, I drink that in one sitting at the fridge (yes I drink from the carton, I bought the shit, I can do what I want.)  So I was like I will do it right now!  Now the thing with my boss is, things change instantly.  What started as 32 ounces turned into a half gallon in 7 minutes.  OH well, Imma keep going. 48 ounces later I was looking around and everyone was crying laughing, I gathered my self, got up, and walked outside and puked all over the locals of Lehi Utahs cars, ALOT!  I didnt win 100 bucks, and oddly everything smells like milk.  I should have declined when they brought out vitamin D milk, stupid red cap crap milk anyway.  Fail.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day of the week?

Multiple times today people have asked me what day it is.  I have no effing idea, I just reply with "its december".  This is my attitude while working 17 hour days starting at five in the morning, and just working until we cant physically work any longer.  This is hard for a guy that usually sits behind a desk writing estimates and checking the internet for interesting things.  Oh well.
This day in history is one that brings many emotions to me.  The sudden attacks on Pearl Harbor sent this country into war, and gave us the greatest generation of all time.  I think of what the troops back then had to go through and it never ceases to amaze me.  Anyone that serves in the forces has my total respect, because of you, I get to be a shit bag and live an awesome life.  My familia has had their share of service and I am super proud of that fact.  If being a slap ass doesnt work out for me, I bet I could work my way in.  hmmmmmmm.  

So this is day two this week, and if I was an hourly employee I would hit 40 hours tomorrow, but Im not, and that means I make like 3 dollars an hour after tomorrow.   Love it.  Love my family, my dog, my friends, my bikes.  love this shitty hotel bed.............................................g'night

Monday, December 6, 2010

Got Underwear?

For my mormon friends I hope you have your stock of garments, because you may be out of them if you dont.  For the past week I have been down in Utah County, working on a fire that happened at the Church's garment factory.  They had to throw away almost a million dollars worth of garments because of the fire.  I am "sleeping" in a ghetto hotel, and eating out for every meal.  I fear for when I go back to my trainer, Im stoked to be the fat kid in gym class next week.  

BMX this weekend.  Cant wait. hate winter.  Miss my family.
most pointless blog ever, but I feel so out of touch.  ON the flipside, were right across the street from Lehi High school and the mills, I keep praying for a footloose part 2 to start filming this week, more or less so I could punch Kevin Bacon.  No man goes dancing around like an idiot to blow off steam. pssssssh.  Maybe if I can locate my brain tomorrow I will post something worth reading.