Wednesday, April 28, 2010

DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok everyone, I know and understand that times are tough right now, but sometimes by paying it forward things come back around and help those who have given to others.
So I was nominated to be "locked up" to raise money for MD here in the Logan area. Every dollar earned will go directly to a local child or adult working to overcome MD. Anything you can do is and will be greatly appreciated.

please go to and donate.

This may mean that you have to go without coffee for a week, or give something else up that is trivial, but I promise these monies are not trivial to those battling this disease. Thanks everyone!

oh and how about a picture of the hair just to make you smile.

Monday, April 26, 2010


For the sake of blogging, I give you a list.

1. Shaved my head, now I have a crispy fried noggin that hurts like hell.

2. AFSAV for dummies. Seriously?!? This is just bad news for the military

3. Going to the west side of Lo Town, and people locking their cars when they see us coming, classic.

4. If you leave chicken on the grill, it will burn.

5. If you hit the warm up burner button on the stove and throw a towel on it, it will burn.

6. I like my wife, dog, and bikes

7. I hate tailgaters, emo kids, DMV ladies, and rollerbladers

8. I so called the drug bust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9.I tend to forget garbage day every week, good thing we don't use much

10. My damn head hurts!

11.most pointless blog yet, I think so......................

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ahem attention please!

*warning the following post may contain the word Ass*

8:30 Wednesday evening, the wifester and kid to be are asleep, the dog is sitting behind me eating a bone, and mother nature forgot that it was supposed to be a lovely spring day outside.

I would like to take a minute and tell you about an epiphany I had today while taking the wifester down the road for her latest craving, ummmm mash potatoes and gravy from KFC (I didn't get anything).

I feel that the world would be a better place if, at some point in everyones life, they got their asses kicked. I mean seriously put the hurtin to! No, I don't mean that they should be beaten so bad that they end up in the hospital, but very close would be acceptable.

Let me rationalize this for you. Have you ever had that annoying S.O.B. that tailgates you so close that you cant for the life of you even see their hood? This is a daily occurrence for me considering I live on ass hole hill and everyone is in such a damn hurry. But what if, that person that finds me to be the sole reason their running behind, at some point received a major ass kicking. Do you think they would think twice about riding someone so close: I do! Even if its that tragically hip prom queen in her "like most awesome" Jetta, she too needs her ass kicked, there is no special treatment in the everyone gets an ass kickin world.

I bet the customer service industry would sky rocket with compliments. Could you imagine if all the waiters and waitresses knew what it was like to receive a major ass kicking?

Well I know this wont happen because we cant all just walk around kicking some ass, or all the bullies would walk around all bummed and emo, and damnit we have enough emo kids out there.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Im not a communist, well, I think.

Went to dinner at that one place were the underpaid waiters and waitresses dance uncomfortably close to the tables tonight, and now as I sit and actually watch my stomach get bigger by the second it has me thinking about the government. Haha which is also getting bigger (more powerful) by the second. On our way there tonight we were talking about what exactly I am, because I have declared that I am not a democrat.
This topic also came up today at work when my boss threw it out there that he thought I would be down with the dems, well, sorry to dissapoint but Im not. I mean I like some of their ideas, but for the most part, nah, not for me.

So what exactly would I consider myself? An anarchist? A communist? A Republican? A liberal? A tea party, hell maybe if it was called the coffee party and this was four months ago?

Nope, as I put it to Devin I am a Conservative liberal, or as the Wifey would say, conservative liberalist. But really I would say that I dont have a class, I like what I like, and live the way I live because I can, and Im American and thats my damn right!

Lately I have been hating on our beloved putz for a president, sorry about that Obama, but I think that you should focus on fixing things rather than trying to leave your mark in the political history books.

Anyway its monday, its raining outside, and I have nothing else to say. Other than, I think Im going to run for President. Or maybe Ill start out smaller, like Mayor, yeah I could be the mayor of Logan, that would be pretty entertaining. BMX for lunch and every thursday (remember we dont work fridays), is bring your dog to work day, except for the DMV, they would be responsible for dog $#%* pick up duty.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

At least their not frozen

Dear lady that lives across the street from us, this is your warning to not let your dog poach Jibs tennis balls.

If you neglect this warning, I will not turn the force against your dog. Rather, you will receive multiple shots to the face with painballs (they wont be frozen). I hate to resort to violence (not really) but your lack of effort/care for your animal really pisses me off. Im sorry that the law came to your house and made you put your dog away, but I fail to see it as my responsibility to pick up your dogs mess, and have the little bastages growl at me in MY yard.

The wife is at Garth right now in Vegas, and I'm out of Ramen noodles, HELP!

That is all

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ME vs. the DMV

There is something so unsatisfying about going to the DMV. I cant really put my finger on it, whether it be the re-freaking-diculous long lines, or the generally over weight, angry at the world for over paying them, woman on the other side of the counter that just wants to get back to her diet coke and facebook. Or maybe its my inability to have the correct forms every time I go to get something taken care of, whatever it is, I have decided that I hate it, so much in fact that I am boycotting the DMV until the next time I have to go there.

For normal people, who may only have a car or two, your experiences generally last about fifteen minutes (actual communication time with somewhat of a human), but mine is a bit more frequent. I am blessed with overseeing a fleet of vehicles that all need somewhat of attention for wrong names on titles, vehicles being sold, or just some license plate that needs to be changed over. Now you may be thinking that here I am just bitching about doing my job and I should just be happy that I have a job, well I am very happy to have a job, but the people at the DMV seem to be oh so put out that they have to do their actual job.

First, when I come in and talk to the supervisor and she hands me the paperwork I need to do what I have to, I expect that to be it, but it seems like I make numerous trips back to get the correct paperwork, only to made out to feel like an idiot when I dont.

second, I understand that you are busy counting your calories on, but really do that shit at home and get me on my marry freakin way.(jenny craig doesnt make her money from people succeeding on her diet and then moving on, Im just saying)

Third, there are eight windows available for personal to work from, but every time I go in there, why, there isnt any more than 2 people working. Many people could use jobs you know.

UGH, If I have to stand in front of some ignorant red neck and listen to him complain about standing in line so he can register his tractor, I think I might A)puke, and B) punch him.

Sorry for the rant, wait no Im not.