Monday, July 7, 2014


Summer time has its ups and downs for me.  Im not a big fan of the sun and heat.  Mainly because I have too much invested in tattoos and the heat sucks my will to live.  I am much more happy in the spring and fall while wearing a hoodie.
This is what it looks like on a typical race weekend in the hotel

Things have been going pretty good lately.  We have had some good times at home since the last camp.  I have tried to soak in as much family time as possible.  Its crazy to think that this will be the last summer with the three of us, but I am so very excited for grom numero dos to be here.  I have been trying to get the room done, but have wanted to do it right, so it has taken some time.  Maybe I will post a photo when its all finished.  Im actually quite proud of how it has turned out so far.  Who knew that if you just took some time to do it right, that it would actually do just that.
Fourth of July I was a dead beat dad and took off to Pittsburgh for a race, but the night before we did the grom parade in Bountiful.  Hadley enjoyed it, but I think she liked playing at the park more.  All in all it was a great night.  We also did another parade the Saturday before, I took the little one with me, and she is such a ham.  She loves waving to people and throwing water on other kids, and just smiling.  I love to see her smile, gets me all emotional just sitting here typing about it.
The wifester is in major preggo stage.  She wrote me a couple of months back and said "remember the good times during the next couple of months".  I haven't talked to her since. Restless legs, insomnia, and other preggo stuff has me reminding you that if I come up dead, it was her!
GT came to town and we went and checked out the crew at snow basin, good times and Hadley got to see one of her favorite peeps.

Headed to Logan this weekend for a little relaxation and to hangout.  Miss it there.

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