Sunday, July 13, 2014


Logan.  The place where I consider home more than any other place.  I seriously love Logan.  We were so lucky to have lived there for the amount of time that we did.  So many awesome things happened to our family  when we lived there, I met the wifester there, we had the first grom there, and have meat and made so many awesome friends there.
Last weekend when I was in Pittsburg my good friend Nate sent me a text just to see how I was doing.  It got me thinking that we for sure needed to go up there.  I wrote the wife and we booked a room and made plans to spend the weekend up there.
The minute we pulled into the valley my heart got a little heavy.  I miss it there.  The simplicity of life.  The friends.  The view.  The sunsets.  Everything.  We stopped by our neighbors house, we miss them so much.  They were absolutely the best neighbors ever.  So awesome, that I just automatically hate our current neighbors.  They have no chance.  I then went to the tat shop to see Nate and the boys, while the wifester and grom walked around the sidewalk sale.   We got a room at the Hampton and went and did a little swimming, the lil one starts swim lessons tomorrow, so swimming should go a bit smoother from here on out.  She loves the water though.  After I walked over to Village Inn and grabbed us some pie.  Eh, whatever.  Walking back I was astonished at the amazing sunset.  It just seems like I don't get to appreciate them as much nowadays as we did when we lived there.
Woke up early and walked over to Starbucks for my Americano.  The air had a crisp feel to it.  I love the air up there when it is clean.  Even in the dead of summer, the air had a coolness that you only feel in the Fall down south.  We hit up Campus for a walk and it was perfect.  Not one other person on campus, it was all ours for the hour that we were there.  One little moment sticks out in my head as I sit and type this.  In front of the new library there are amazing flower patches. and the grom stopped riding her bike, sat it down and went over to pick the flowers.  It just makes me think that we need to take more time to appreciate the small things.  We can learn so much form kids. Love her.

I so very much appreciated my weekend with the girls.

Friday, July 11, 2014

bike check 1, 2.

The first time I went to Pittsburgh was in 2012.  I had always wanted to go to the South Park race when I was younger, but didnt because during those times they were an NBL track, and well, I didnt like the NBL.  Fast forward and a couple of sanction collapses later, they became an ABA, or now known as USABMX, sanctioned track.  I did a bike check with Crazy Al Cane in 2012 and I hated it.  I think I sound like such a fumbling idiot on camera, so I did another one this go around as well.  Still the same, Im a bum. 

Monday, July 7, 2014


Summer time has its ups and downs for me.  Im not a big fan of the sun and heat.  Mainly because I have too much invested in tattoos and the heat sucks my will to live.  I am much more happy in the spring and fall while wearing a hoodie.
This is what it looks like on a typical race weekend in the hotel

Things have been going pretty good lately.  We have had some good times at home since the last camp.  I have tried to soak in as much family time as possible.  Its crazy to think that this will be the last summer with the three of us, but I am so very excited for grom numero dos to be here.  I have been trying to get the room done, but have wanted to do it right, so it has taken some time.  Maybe I will post a photo when its all finished.  Im actually quite proud of how it has turned out so far.  Who knew that if you just took some time to do it right, that it would actually do just that.
Fourth of July I was a dead beat dad and took off to Pittsburgh for a race, but the night before we did the grom parade in Bountiful.  Hadley enjoyed it, but I think she liked playing at the park more.  All in all it was a great night.  We also did another parade the Saturday before, I took the little one with me, and she is such a ham.  She loves waving to people and throwing water on other kids, and just smiling.  I love to see her smile, gets me all emotional just sitting here typing about it.
The wifester is in major preggo stage.  She wrote me a couple of months back and said "remember the good times during the next couple of months".  I haven't talked to her since. Restless legs, insomnia, and other preggo stuff has me reminding you that if I come up dead, it was her!
GT came to town and we went and checked out the crew at snow basin, good times and Hadley got to see one of her favorite peeps.

Headed to Logan this weekend for a little relaxation and to hangout.  Miss it there.