Sunday, November 17, 2013


Taking everything day as it comes.  Zach got me to go outside of my comfort zone the other day at the gym. I don't like lifting heavy, I find it counter productive to my zombie apocalypse training, but sometimes ya gotta do it.  I didnt know Brent was filming when I did this, shows why my back will be out in a five years.  I guess its better than being fat.  For all of you parents out there, if you get a few seconds, you should youtube Batdad, the guy is effing hilarious.  I can tell you have been doing squats..............

Grom loves coloring and drawing so we spend some quality time on the floor together. Currently I have wet pants due to a little snow fight we got into, she won of course.  Im becoming more and more of an anti snow person.  Especially with the little one around.  I hate the fact that in a month from now, it will be dark and cold for what will seem like forever.  I have really enjoyed getting out and playing outside with her.  I bought a her a little soccer net and ball and I think we will probably wear that thing out pretty quick come next summer.
"wanna play with me"  yes I do.  holy crap, when she says that, its time to put down everything at that moment and play with her.  Like I said, this usually means we are laying on the floor playing with cars, or drawing, but its awesome.  She is getting pretty dang good at asking for things and giving you the cute little innocent look, and then she bats her eyes.  I might beat her mom for teaching her that, Im so screwed when she really wants bigger things. We bought a her a new head board for her big girl bed that she will be using when we move into our new house.  I like the current color.  She wants it pink.  Fine.  What the grom wants, the grom gets.  Oh yeah, we bought the house.  More on that to come as well.

Hadley has really taken to the bike on the track. Insisting on going down and up the jumps by herself. I was a bit hesitant at first but she has the last straight at rad canyon dialed. So fun to have her out the smiling and laughing all the way.

Nice little Sunday afternoon we are having today. Blue skies, temps in the 40's just loving life.
Got a few emails from the USOC this week. Stay tunes for some details on that later. I took this photo while laying on the floor looking out the window.  I thought the gold leaves looked awesome with the blue skies.  Im such a hippie, minus the being a bum, wearing tye dye, and smoking weed.

I dont usually eat meat, but when I do, I completely disregard any table etiquette whatsoever!  Actually I eat meat all the time, and that previous statement was my poor attempt at humor. Get off me, I think Im funny in my own mind.

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