Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Texas is crazy. When they say everything is bigger in Texas, well, they mean it. Went for racing, did pretty good. Im going to let the pictures do the talking. I will say though, I love states that have smoking restrictions. Heres to eating some mashed potatoes and getting lung cancer at the same time.

Jerry with getting all abstract on this one

This is part of the mtn. pass I drive over everyday, thought it was cool so I put it in here.

Martijn Jaspers from Holland. Taking a nap in between motos.

the door of our trailer, really pumped to be on that door.

What in the Sam hell? these things were everywhere.

check out the sweet horns underneath the trunk.

Our pit area in Texas.

I like the green spokes in the rims.

Grammas role in style in Texas.

All and all it was a good trip. Texas was a decent place to visit for two and a half days, but thats about it. Everytime I have been to Texas the wind blows, and I hate the wind. Its awesome to see the culture of other states, and makes me appreciate Utah when I leave. Up next is Chula Vista in a week so that will be good. This weekend is the bday, so we will be racing Go Karts, and I plan on putting the wife into a corner or two.

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