Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tattoos are for bad people

My thoughts on tattoos are pretty simple. Tattoos are for bad people, its just that bad people are in style right now.
Also I, along with others feel that you shouldn't be allowed to get tattooed until you're 25. This helps fight the battle against tribal tattoos and barb wire around biceps. No judgement here, but really it is dumb.

This past weekend I was able to do a photo shoot for a tattoo book coming out later in the year. This is a teaser shot. They incorporated my bikes, shocking I know. We were going to try and do one with the gromlin but she was sleeping, and we dont wake sleeping gromlins.

1 comment:

devin said...

I guess I better keep my mouth shut on the tattoos you got before you were 25 even though you left it wide open...