Wednesday, September 30, 2009

upside down and inside out

I am so not prepared for the cold weather. Sure I am tired of being hot all the time, but seriously, 2 days ago it was ninety. ITS FREAKIN SNOWING TODAY. UGH.
This week has been pretty rough so far, started out monday with no voice. Tuesday, had a voice, and a crankin headache to accompany it. Last night I slept on the couch, and woke up hating the world.
Tomorrow is Thursday, we leave for Salt Lake tomorrow night, and then to St. George on Friday, to run the marathon on Saturday. Did you know that the first person to ever run a marathon died. I just might join him sooner rather than later. So for a point of view that isnt negative, thats only three more days til I never have to run again, EVER!
Talked to some friends down south at the lake, sounds like things there suck. Sorry about that team, but I know that the remaining people that are there will kill it.
Life is pretty mellow right now, I like this whole taper down week, yessir I do.
Its official, winter is upon us. Do you know what that means. Yes it means snowboarding! It also means indoor BMX season. I love the indoor season, gives us hooligans a place to do what we do in the winter.
most random post ever.


Anonymous said...

R u getting snow tires for the new bike? Unc Scott

AC and Lola said...

"Did you know that the first person to ever run a marathon died?"

You crack me the hell up, Jonas.

Good luck on Saturday. :)

Patrick-Nicole-Daxton said...

Way to go Jonas!!! So proud of you on the marathon - hope you didn't hate EVERY minute of it :)