Thursday, December 13, 2012

And We danced

Besides being consistantly sick for what seems like forever, we had a pretty decent time over the last weekend.  The wifester and I, along with zach and the midget were lucky enough, and proactive enough, to snag up some Macklemore tickets for his show at the Depot in SLC.  I have been obsessed with everything Macklemore for about 8 months now, and the ol hussy and I were pretty dang excited to go to a show.  I think this was also our second outing in a pretty long time.  The concert was one of my all time favorite shows.  The dude puts it out there and really gets into his shows.  We will for sure see him again.

We also went out to the BMX track on Saturday for a little presentation and to let the gromlin ride in the big wheels class.   She rolls deep when it comes to anything she wants to do, four grandparents, two uncles, and mom and dad there to support her.  She was having so much fun and wasnt too pumped on having to leave.  I think I might try to get her out there a bit earlier next time so she can just play.  Its a bummer living in such a cold area, playing outside with her is seriously the best.

Being sick is the suck of suck.  I dont think the wifester has slept in weeks, makes me fear for my life on the daily.  Yes Ill do the dishes, yes Ill take out the trash, yes I fluff your love sac, (woah that sounds dirty), whatever I have to do to not get stabbed in my sleep, Ill do.

I have also re-signed with GT for 2013, pretty pumped on that.  Im over the cold, and it is ruining my will do much, including writing any more on this blog today.........................

1 comment:

Nick Dawg AKA Jonas' Achilles said...

I sure am glad you were wise enough to sign through 2013, because if the big wigs had you in 6 month stints you would be back to Larry Locals Trophy Team come June 1st. I sessioned the stationary bike today and drank a 12 oz. pepsi for every 1/4 mile I put in. Your days at the top are numbered baby and the sharks are circling, you feel it?