Well I look at blogs everyday, but really lack a shit storm of motivation for writing down things that I think people would like to read. Eh, people dont really care, but I like to think they do, so here is an update.
The indoor season has come and gone, the last weekend of racing in the city of Salt was a painful
one, ended up crashing really hard and getting a slight concussion, it sucked. Happened on Saturday night, broke my helmet, and had to race on Sunday. Sunday came, I borrowed a helmet from my boy, and won. I don't really remember how, but I guess I pedaled more than the other guys. Here is a picture of my concussed-ness-ess.
(yup, Im concussed)
Went to Rock Springs a few weeks later for races. Won my class, took third in the Pro Am, made a couple hundred bucks. spent the couple hundred bucks on gas coming home, not really, but damn gas is effing expensive.
Work. Well, work is work and that's it really. Last week I drove to Winnemucca, Nevada to pick up a new rig. Then drove to SLC, then to Logan in one day. Took me 17 hours, it was a long day. But thankfully I had XM radio to keep me company, especially my new favorite radio show, the Jason Ellis show, amazingly hilarious.
(Jason Ellis)
Training, training, training, and more training. I have some stuff coming up soon, dont want to get into it, but I just hope it all pays off.
The grommet is doing amazing as well. She is a little chubbers, and I just love her. We have long conversations about nothing of importance, she always smiles when she sees me, we read some books, just love her to death.
(me and and gromlin)
Speaking of reading, I am reading the second round of Tucker Max. I dont recommend it to anyone. The guys is the biggest asshole in the world, but his stories are funny. If I saw him in person, I would probably throat punch him.
(funny, but inappropriate as all hell)
The wifester threw me a kickass birthday bash for my dirty thirty. we raced go karts, ate some good grub, and had a great time. My wifester is pretty much awesome. She also makes me sammies everyday, so I dont go without food.
(the crew)
Training, did I mention training? effing training.....................
If you care, you can always check out my website, www.jonasharmon.com, I do race reports there, and have some new photos up.
Til next time