I have decided I suffer from S.A.D., seriously I need some tight pants and black hair dye. I am turning into an emo grommet due to the lack of sunshine in my life. So in the absence of sunshine and rational thought, I fill the void with food. And due to the fact that the wifester is all about eating out during the pregnancy thingy, I have fully indulged.
Friday night, beehive grill-sucks
Saturday night-sushi
sunday lunch-texas roadhouse ginourmous salad
sunday dinner-more sushi, followed by ramen
Bless it, but this may have to stop considering..................hahaha wouldnt you like to know
If you havent seen kickass, you need to, it will set you free. I've been twice, and love it!

But seriously if the sun doesn't come out soon I am going to jump off a cliff..............
