Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dooms day glooms day

This day could have been rough, thankfully things might work out. but if they didnt, this is how I could have reacted.
For those of you that havent seen V for vendetta, I recommend you pull your head out and go watch it! Lucky devils.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stupid little kid anyway

Dear Dixon,
I stayed up late with you and showed up to work. You're worthless for calling in and I am going to kick you in the face for doing so. Congrats on the marriage you little wanker!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy MA Day!

Today is mothers day, we went and spent the morning with my side of the fam and had some fun Harmon style. I dont recommend doing this without proper parental supervision.
See, my mom went into the middle of the jump not for an a good photo, but because this way I had to clear the jump. Thanks for the training ma, love ya!