Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day of the week?

Multiple times today people have asked me what day it is.  I have no effing idea, I just reply with "its december".  This is my attitude while working 17 hour days starting at five in the morning, and just working until we cant physically work any longer.  This is hard for a guy that usually sits behind a desk writing estimates and checking the internet for interesting things.  Oh well.
This day in history is one that brings many emotions to me.  The sudden attacks on Pearl Harbor sent this country into war, and gave us the greatest generation of all time.  I think of what the troops back then had to go through and it never ceases to amaze me.  Anyone that serves in the forces has my total respect, because of you, I get to be a shit bag and live an awesome life.  My familia has had their share of service and I am super proud of that fact.  If being a slap ass doesnt work out for me, I bet I could work my way in.  hmmmmmmm.  

So this is day two this week, and if I was an hourly employee I would hit 40 hours tomorrow, but Im not, and that means I make like 3 dollars an hour after tomorrow.   Love it.  Love my family, my dog, my friends, my bikes.  love this shitty hotel bed.............................................g'night

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