Monday, April 26, 2010


For the sake of blogging, I give you a list.

1. Shaved my head, now I have a crispy fried noggin that hurts like hell.

2. AFSAV for dummies. Seriously?!? This is just bad news for the military

3. Going to the west side of Lo Town, and people locking their cars when they see us coming, classic.

4. If you leave chicken on the grill, it will burn.

5. If you hit the warm up burner button on the stove and throw a towel on it, it will burn.

6. I like my wife, dog, and bikes

7. I hate tailgaters, emo kids, DMV ladies, and rollerbladers

8. I so called the drug bust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9.I tend to forget garbage day every week, good thing we don't use much

10. My damn head hurts!

11.most pointless blog yet, I think so......................

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