Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lets take a vote

For those few that read my blog, tell me if Jib should get a brother.

Keep in mind that Jib already runs the house and does what he wants.

And if your vote sucks I will erase it, so make a valid argument. I may publicly ridicule those for stupid remarks.


devin said...

Reasons Jib should have a brother:

1. mom takes care of everything anyways so it wouldn't be any more work for you.

2. the dog whisperer would say jib should have one.

3. you can't have too much of a good thing.

4. jib has extra room in his bed.

5. we will have a fenced yard soon.

6. it would drive larry nuts.

7. chris can puppy sit and we will feed him.

8. bj will be here soon and he likes 2 dogs. and he can help.

9. dogs make people happy.

10. jib says so.

Anonymous said...

Nephew, just give up. She wants the dog, you are going to get the dog. Think long term and you will realize that this could be ammo against you for years if you do not go with her wishes. She will see dogs on the street and comment about how they look like the dog you "should" have adopted. Many physical and psychological methods will be used in her quest for this dog; it will become painful and only continue until you cave. And don't worry, if the dog is a terror it will immediately be stated that it was your idea to get the dog.

By the way, if you ridicule me I will bring up all kinds of embarrasing things you did as a toddler, so just let it go. :)


devin said...

OOH. Share anyways!! :)

Sonia said...

Jib needs a friend so when you have kids he has someone to pay attention to him when you can't...Then he won't go into depression again like every time you move...Oh yeah you're moving too see it would help!!!

brittany.leigh said...

devin wants a dog. you love devin. get another dog for devin. simple.

Chritabo11 said...

wait when I puppy sit, are you feeding me? or the dog? either way I am always down for some dog sitting, and he is a pretty chil dog